Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Happy Birthday Sweet Bug

A year ago tomorrow our sweet little boy came into our lives. We were nervous, anxious, scared and ecstatic all at the same time. We had made it to our first major milestone of 28 weeks. Tomorrow will consist of Jude's first Royals game and a dinner with our wonderful families. I will post pictures of his party after the weekend.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Anniversary

I can hardly believe that tomorrow marks the day of our sonogram that identified the need to see our doctor immediately. Here is a picture to remind all of us just how precious those 22 days of bed rest were and a testimony to the power of prayer.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Light at the End of the Tunnel

Mommy and Bubby on the teeter-totter.

That poor chick had never been wiped down so well before us...
Jude and his Great Grandma Moore...AKA Goose.

These are the pictures from the other day of our fun trip to the park. Yes, that is his favorite hat we are borrowing from his cousin Colin. Daddy took him on the slide, we pushed him in the baby swing, he sat on the rocking chick and then we also made an appearance on the teeter-totter. The park we went to had several ducks and some geese walking around, so Jude loved checking them out. He has seen them in his books and on tv, but seeing them in person was a neat new experience for him.

We went to the doctor today and a few things happened. Jude got his prescription increased and he also got taken off his extra calorie formula. I had to actually read the can today to make sure I knew how to make the regular recipe! We have been fortifying his milk forever, so it was weird to just put in the regular amount of scoops. It's the little things in life really.

The final, and most exciting part of the day, was when the doctor told us that the end of March will end our "House Arrest" as we have lovingly called it for the past eight or so months. I was joking with my sister about having to be medicated for our first trip to Target or Costco or church or anywhere we choose to go! I am not sure what it will be like, but let me tell you, I know it will be exciting, emotional and wonderful to get our sweet boy out into the world

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Reflux is the Devil

We are not certain that it's reflux, but for the past two nights, our little man has woken up from a fantastic slumber with projectile puke. Needless to say, we called the doctor tonight. Last night we were hopeful that it was just a fluke, but two nights in a row was enough for us to take action. The doc on call believes we may have reflux rearing its ugly head again...we are going to go into the doctor tomorrow to get Jude looked at and to see if it's time to adjust his meds again. Poor baby. We were hopeful that he would outgrow reflux around the age of one, but here we are at 11 months...

I will tell you that not having a cannula to work around makes cleaning him up a lot easier! Jeremy is a trooper and is once again cleaning up the crib and putting it back together so Bubs can have a clean place to lay his head. Jude is happy and comfortable. We think after he gets it out of his system he feels so much better.

We took Jude to the park for the first time today in the beautiful weather and I was hopeful that I could blog about that and post pics, but such is life. They will be on my camera for awhile, so I promise to share later. He had a blast.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Daddy's Boy

Jude and his Daddy have a very special bond. We made a family decision for Jeremy to stay home and take care of Jude and this is a decision we couldn't be happier with. As most of you know, Jeremy went to Law School and passed the Bar Exam. This was no small feat, and for him to make the sacrifice for our family to put his career on hold in order to give Jude the best beginning to life we could, I am forever grateful. "Dada" could very be Jude's first word and rightfully so. He looks up to his Daddy with such love and admiration that my heart swells every time I see them play together.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Chatter Box

Our little man is talking up a storm...too bad we have no idea what he is talking about! Everyone tells us that parents get so excited for their kids to talk, and then once they do, there are times you wish they would stop!

Bubby is getting the hang of table food; however, he continues to put down 5-6 ounces of milk after his meals. Either he is not getting full with what we are giving him or he's got a hollow leg. His little arms are turning into marshmallows and his legs are getting rolls big enough to hide small toys in!

Tonight he has managed to sit up on his own for 30-45 seconds which is the goal the doctor set for us. His little army crawl is working for him to navigate the floor and his favorite activity for now is to tip over his basket of diapers and throw them around. Speaking of which...I need to pick up the mess he created for us this evening!